
Amélie Paviet, NTN-SNR: “ We have to stay agile if we want to stay in the game ”

Jérémie Morvan
Amélie Paviet_NTN-SNR

The 2023 financial year has proven to be prosperous for the equipment manufacturer. Admittedly, inflation in certain markets (Turkey, Argentina) may have created a slump in the market for low-cost parts, but premium parts continue to be in demand.

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NTN-SNR is making great strides in all its markets: performance is generally robust in Europe, where the aftermarket, representing 21% of turnover in this region, has experienced a 13% increase. However, the momentum has been even more significant in Turkey, Africa, and the Middle East (91% growth) and in Latin America – mainly Brazil – where we are witnessing 40% growth this year ”, says Amélie Paviet, EMEA Marketing & Communications Director. The Middle East and Brazil are also the two regions where NTN-SNR aims to accelerate in the short term.

A significantly expanded product portfolio

The Franco-Japanese group has recently announced a partnership with LTM (Mecatech group), a shock absorber manufacturer, to integrate a comprehensive offer of 800 references dedicated to suspension into its catalogue. “ NTN-SNR is enhancing its suspension offering by combining the expertise of an aftermarket specialist with our OE proficiency. With shock absorbers, we now have a complete offer covering the corner module ”, explains Amélie Paviet. This recent launch follows a significant extension of the CVJ (constant-velocity joint) range, bringing the total offer to 1,300 references with 2,000 expected by 2025. This year, NTNSNR also introduced a 130-reference range of tools developed in partnership with Clas.

Looking ahead to 2024, January will see the introduction of a new offering for trucks featuring 30 complete hub references with integrated bearings for tractor units and semis. Although the group has a long-standing presence in the original equipment segment for heavy goods vehicles, it has only been involved in spare parts (wheel and transmission bearings) for three years. With the aim of expanding its offering, trucks represent another growth lever for the group in the future.

In terms of supply chain, inflation of raw materials or logistics does not explain everything: equipment manufacturers, like the entire value chain, are also faced with labour problems

Leveraging durable product ranges

In the context of the electrification of the automotive fleet, NTN-SNR will maintain its strategy of enriching its product range, with a particular focus on durable products. This notably includes all its ranges related to the corner module, an offering that caters equally to both ICE and electric vehicles. Replacement frequency is expected to be higher for EVs due to the increased weight. However, manufacturers appear to be reclaiming control over the spare parts arena. “ We will have to prepare independent repairers to work on these vehicles. Beyond that, there is a trend towards vertical integration among manufacturers : some are entering the used parts market, digital services, and even investing in start-ups specialising in vehicle retrofitting ”, analyses Amélie Paviet. So, nothing is guaranteed. “ While the aging of the fleet remains an advantage for aftermarket players, geopolitical and economic conditions create instability. The pandemic has taught us one thing. We must remain agile if we want to stay in the game long term. Today, even more than yesterday.

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Jérémie Morvan
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