API – Autodistribution: Doyen grows on two fronts

Since 2019 and the creation of Autodistribution Benelux, Doyen has operated through both the API and Autodistribution brands to create a coherent network between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
The arrival of the Autodistribution brand on previous API territory in Belgium needed a clear explanation. There was no question of replacement, rather a complementary presence. This message was eventually received by the Belgian partners. “The network that brings the two brands together is underway” says Patrice Astor, CEO of Doyen. Today, 65 API and already around twenty Autodistribution sites cover Belgium. This mix is completed successfully with around forty AD garages and the “historic” 1,2,3 AutoService and Requal sites, bringing the network to 350 garages. The metamorphosis was more radical in the Netherlands. “All the 25 distributors wanted to become Autodistribution Nederland."
Similarly, 40 Requal garages took AD branding.” The strength of a leader – “We remain Doyen, not in a process of integration” – but also the expansion of the toolbox for the brands and via the API Drive concept. This provides access to data, a hotline, training and remote diagnosis (the first to launch it in Belgium) with Grup Eina and an electric concept. “While a few months ago, our challenge was to harmonize Doyen across our four territories, now we have a shared base that respects the particularities of each market. This all helps in terms of commercial development” insists Patrice Astor.
Lire la version française : API – Autodistribution : Doyen croît sur 2 jambes
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